“Shakespeare In Wonderland”
Directed by James Brown
Written by Carolyn Travis
If you have more photos, please email them to marketing@shakesnw.org.
Not pictured: Claire Andrews as Alice, Carolyn Travis as Mistress Quickly (White Rabbit), Devin Breuer as Charlie the Apothecary of Mantua/Touchstone (7 of Spades), Lydia Randall as Ophelia (Doormouse)/Viola (Footman), Jaime Mastromonica as Lady Macbeth (March Hare)/Snug (Dodo)/Dogberry (King of Hearts), Bjorn A. Whitney as Hamlet (Mad Hatter)/Feste (2 of Spades), Danny Herter as Polonius (Caterpillar)/Levatch (5th of Spades), Caroline Rensel as Quince (Mouse)/Puck (Cheshire Cat), James Brown as Richard III (Queen of Hearts), Glynna Goff as Margaret (Duchess)
Photos courtesy of Mary Mae Hardt and Teresa Vaughn